Dos ratoncitos, uno optimista y otro pesimista, cayeron al mismo tiempo en
dos vasijas que contenían leche. El ratoncito pesimista dice: "No puedo
salir de este cacharro, porque las paredes son muy lisas. No puedo respirar
en la leche, voy a asfixiarme, estoy perdido." Y, en efecto, se asfixia y
El ratoncito optimista no sabe tampoco qué hacer; pero como es optimista
trata de hacer algo y se agita en todos sentidos. Como se está moviendo
continuamente, bate la leche con tanto vigor que ésta se transforma en
mantequilla. El ratoncito entonces se sienta sobre la mantequilla y puede
respirar libremente.
Esto prueba que quien posee un carácter optimista hace siempre algo, aun
cuando no sepa qué hacer para salir en una situación difícil; pero sigue
luchando y confiando en Dios y él es poderoso para hacernos "más que
Romanos 8:37
Antes, en todas estas cosas somos más que vencedores por medio de aquel que
nos amó.
Romanos 12:11
En lo que requiere diligencia, no perezosos; fervientes en espíritu,
sirviendo al Señor;
Romanos 13:11
Y esto, conociendo el tiempo, que es ya hora de levantarnos del sueño;
porque ahora está más cerca de nosotros nuestra salvación que cuando
Romanos 8:28
Y sabemos que a los que aman a Dios, todas las cosas les ayudan a bien, esto
es, a los que conforme a su propósito son llamados.
jueves, 13 de setiembre de 2007
El Ratoncito Optimista
Publicadas por JAZ Jóvenes de Zárate a las 10:00 0 comentarios
I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb
I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb
Words and music by Ray Boltz
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
With all my strength
With all I am
I will seek to honor His commands
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
I have heard how Christians long ago
Were brought before a tyrants throne
They were told that he
Would spare their lives
If they would renounce
The name of Christ
But one by one they chose to die
The Son of God, they would not deny
Like a great angelic choir sings
I can almost hear their voices ring
Now the years have come
And the years have gone
And the cause of Jesus still goes on
Now our time has come
To count the cost
To reject this world
To embrace the Cross
And one by one let us live our lives
For the One who died to give us life
Till the trumpet sounds on the final day
Let us proudly stand and boldly say
To the Lamb of God who bore my pain
Who took my place
Who wore my shame
I will seek to honor His commands
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
CHORUS (repeat)
1994 Word MusicASCAP (a div. of Word, Inc.) and Shepherd Boy MusicASCAP (adm. by Word, Inc.).
Publicadas por JAZ Jóvenes de Zárate a las 10:00 0 comentarios
I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb
I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb
Words and music by Ray Boltz
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
With all my strength
With all I am
I will seek to honor His commands
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
I have heard how Christians long ago
Were brought before a tyrants throne
They were told that he
Would spare their lives
If they would renounce
The name of Christ
But one by one they chose to die
The Son of God, they would not deny
Like a great angelic choir sings
I can almost hear their voices ring
Now the years have come
And the years have gone
And the cause of Jesus still goes on
Now our time has come
To count the cost
To reject this world
To embrace the Cross
And one by one let us live our lives
For the One who died to give us life
Till the trumpet sounds on the final day
Let us proudly stand and boldly say
To the Lamb of God who bore my pain
Who took my place
Who wore my shame
I will seek to honor His commands
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
CHORUS (repeat)
1994 Word MusicASCAP (a div. of Word, Inc.) and Shepherd Boy MusicASCAP (adm. by Word, Inc.).
Publicadas por JAZ Jóvenes de Zárate a las 10:00 0 comentarios
Watch the Lamb
Words and music by Ray Boltz
Walking on the road to Jerusalem,
The time had come to sacrifice again.
My two small sons,
They walk beside me on the road,
The reason that they came
was to watch the lamb.
And they said, daddy, daddy,
What will we see there,
There's so much that we don't understand.
And so I told them of Moses
and father Abraham,
Then I said dear children watch the lamb.
There will be so many in Jerusalem today,
We must be sure the lamb doesn't run away.
And I told them of Moses,
and father Abraham,
Then I said dear children watch the lamb.
When we reached the city,
I knew something must be wrong,
There were no joyful worshipers there,
No joyful worship songs.
And I stood there with my children
in the midst of angry men,
Then I heard the crowd cry out,
Let's crucify Him!
We tried to leave the city
but we could not get away,
Forced to play in this drama
a part I did not wish to play.
Why upon this day
were men condemned to die,
Why were we standing here,
Where soon they would pass by.
I looked and said, even now they come,
The first one cried for mercy,
The people gave him none,
The second one was violent,
And he was arrogant and loud.
I still here his angry voice
screaming at the crowd.
Then someone said there's Jesus,
I scarce believed my eyes,
A man so badly beaten,
He barely looked alive.
Blood poured from His body,
From the thorns upon His brow,
Running down the cross,
Falling to the ground.
I watched as He struggled,
I watched Him when He fell,
The cross came down upon His back,
The crowd began to yell.
In that moment I felt such agony,
In that moment I felt such loss,
Till a Roman soldier grabbed my arm
and screamed, you, carry His cross!
At first I tried to resist him,
Then his hand reached for his sword,
So I knelt and took
the cross from the Lord.
I put it on my shoulder,
And we started down the street,
The blood that he'd been shedding
was running down my cheek.
They led us to Golgotha,
They drove nails
deep in His feet and hands,
Yet upon the cross I heard Him pray
Father, forgive them.
Never have I seen such love
in any other eyes,
Into thy hands I commit my spirit
He prayed and then He died.
I stood for what seemed like years,
I'd lost all sense of time
until I felt two little hands
holding tight to mine.
The children stood there weeping,
I heard the oldest say,
Father please forgive us,
the lamb ran away.
Daddy, daddy,
What have we seen here,
There's so much
that we don't understand,
So I took them in my arms,
And we turned and faced the cross,
Then I said dear children
watch the lamb.
Publicadas por JAZ Jóvenes de Zárate a las 10:00 1 comentarios
Watch the Lamb
Words and music by Ray Boltz
Walking on the road to Jerusalem,
The time had come to sacrifice again.
My two small sons,
They walk beside me on the road,
The reason that they came
was to watch the lamb.
And they said, daddy, daddy,
What will we see there,
There's so much that we don't understand.
And so I told them of Moses
and father Abraham,
Then I said dear children watch the lamb.
There will be so many in Jerusalem today,
We must be sure the lamb doesn't run away.
And I told them of Moses,
and father Abraham,
Then I said dear children watch the lamb.
When we reached the city,
I knew something must be wrong,
There were no joyful worshipers there,
No joyful worship songs.
And I stood there with my children
in the midst of angry men,
Then I heard the crowd cry out,
Let's crucify Him!
We tried to leave the city
but we could not get away,
Forced to play in this drama
a part I did not wish to play.
Why upon this day
were men condemned to die,
Why were we standing here,
Where soon they would pass by.
I looked and said, even now they come,
The first one cried for mercy,
The people gave him none,
The second one was violent,
And he was arrogant and loud.
I still here his angry voice
screaming at the crowd.
Then someone said there's Jesus,
I scarce believed my eyes,
A man so badly beaten,
He barely looked alive.
Blood poured from His body,
From the thorns upon His brow,
Running down the cross,
Falling to the ground.
I watched as He struggled,
I watched Him when He fell,
The cross came down upon His back,
The crowd began to yell.
In that moment I felt such agony,
In that moment I felt such loss,
Till a Roman soldier grabbed my arm
and screamed, you, carry His cross!
At first I tried to resist him,
Then his hand reached for his sword,
So I knelt and took
the cross from the Lord.
I put it on my shoulder,
And we started down the street,
The blood that he'd been shedding
was running down my cheek.
They led us to Golgotha,
They drove nails
deep in His feet and hands,
Yet upon the cross I heard Him pray
Father, forgive them.
Never have I seen such love
in any other eyes,
Into thy hands I commit my spirit
He prayed and then He died.
I stood for what seemed like years,
I'd lost all sense of time
until I felt two little hands
holding tight to mine.
The children stood there weeping,
I heard the oldest say,
Father please forgive us,
the lamb ran away.
Daddy, daddy,
What have we seen here,
There's so much
that we don't understand,
So I took them in my arms,
And we turned and faced the cross,
Then I said dear children
watch the lamb.
Publicadas por JAZ Jóvenes de Zárate a las 10:00 0 comentarios